
In this section, we will walk through a number of design considerations that influence the development of our code crafting tools.

Application Domains

Our tools support the development of software for a wide variety of application domains, including, but not limited to:

  • Embedded systems

  • Hard and soft real-time systems

  • Open and closed-loop control systems

  • Hardware testing

  • Data acquisition

  • Simulation

  • Data processing

  • Data display

  • Desktop applications

Obviously, the code development cycle for some of these domains (e.g. embedded, real-time, and closed-loop systems) is much more cumbersome than for others (e.g. non-real-time simulation). Because of this, it is advantageous to develop and test as much code as possible in the simplified domains before moving into the more complex ones.

Application Structure

In order to maximize both our productivity and the quality of our software, our tools facilitate the development of code that can be used (and reused) in a wide variety of application domains without alteration. The following application structure helps us achieve this goal by separating the domain-independent code from the domain-specific code:


Well-defined software blocks which can, ideally, be used in a variety of application domains without alteration. Components communicate with other components and interact with their environment through a standardized, domain-independent interface. It is important to note that when the Code Craftsmen use the term component, it is rarely in the general sense, but almost always refers a software block that conforms to a very specific interface.

Run-Time Environment

Provides components with a standardized interface to run-time functionality, such as inter-component communication, scheduling, timing, and logging. The underlying implementation may be general-purpose or tailored to a specific application domain or operating system.

Hierarchic Design

Multiple components can be instantiated and their inputs and outputs connected together in the context of a specific run-time environment to construct higher-level components and applications.

Application Executive

Common application-level functionality, such as command-line option and input file processing, component configuration and initialization, and application termination may be handled by a generalized or domain-specific application executive.

Hardware and Operating System Abstraction Layer

Provides a uniform, hardware-independent programming interface to standard operating system functionality.

Utility Libraries

Traditional procedural routines or object-oriented class libraries may be used within the implementation of a particular component, run-time environment, or application executive, but do not factor into the interface between these code segments.


Hardware Architectures

Although there are significant differences between some of the relevant hardware platfoms, our tools enable developers to design software components that can be deployed on any supported hardware architecture without source code changes, regardless of the target instruction set, byte order, or bit width. This means that any platform-specific code must be incorporated into a lower-level abstraction layer, handled by the run-time environment, or strategically isolated in a few components with abstracted interfaces. Although we desire to support a broad range of hardware architectures, the current priority is support for 64-bit x86 and 32-bit ARM systems.

Operating Systems

The write-once, run-anywhere philosophy of our tool set also extends to operating systems, providing a way to develop software components that are not tied to a particular host OS, but are instead portable to any supported real-time or non-real-time operating environment without modification. In order to achieve this, any OS-specific code must be incorporated into a lower-level abstraction layer or handled by the run-time environment. Although future possibilities are endless, the current focus is on providing support for:

  • Standard desktop and embedded Linux

  • Real-time Linux (PREEMPT_RT)

  • Real-time Linux (Xenomai/cobalt)


Concurrent and Parallel Processing

Many of our application domains require support for independent software components executing concurrently, or even simultaneously (in parallel). There are several categories of concurrency that we must consider:

Preemptive Multitasking

Execution of a task may be forcibly suspended by the operating system in order to give another task a turn. Many real-time systems, for example, have long-running lower-priority tasks that must be preempted by high-priority short-duration tasks in order to meet real-time deadlines. This is typically achieved by creating a separate operating-system thread or process for each task. In many real-time systems, these threads and processes can be assigned priority values to ensure that high-priority tasks take precedence over low-priority ones.

Cooperative Multitasking

Tasks may voluntarily yield execution to other tasks at specific points in time. One example of this type of concurrency is a physics simulation involving several models, where each of these models must be updated at each time step.

Parallel Processing

Tasks execute simultaneously on different processors. Parallel processing is often used to speed up program execution or perform several unrelated tasks at once. In many general-purpose parallel-processing systems, several operating-system threads or processes can be executed in parallel.

Our code crafting tools are designed to allow software components to execute concurrently in all of these environments with minimal effort. This is critical for real-time applications, but is also useful for speeding up non-real-time applications by breaking up software into independent pieces that can run in parallel on separate processors. Most software components should not need to know anything about threads, processes, scheduling policies, or priorities. Our tools allow these details to be easily specified when low-level components are instantiated and combined together into a higher-level component or application in the context of a run-time environment.

Programming Language Support

At a fundamental level, we require all software components to interact with their run-time environment via a standardized programming interface based on C function calls. Our tools provide a set of higher-level language-specific bindings, built on top of this C API, that allow components to be implemented in a way that conforms to the conventions of each programming language. This approach allows software components written in various programming languages to interoperate with one another in the same run-time environment. Our current priority is the development of bindings for C++ and Python, but we hope to eventually support a host of other programming languages.

Inter-Component Communication Methodology

For the many reasons described elsewhere in this documentation, our design approach requires components to communicate with one another in a standardized way. There are many mechanisms that could be used to transfer data between components, each with their own advantages and disadvantages:

Method Calls

In object-oriented programming languages, data is typically transferred between objects by having one object pass data to (or receive data from) another object using method calls (member functions). This approach is simple and well understood, but has many drawbacks:

  • Passing data between objects using method calls is not thread-safe, so data transfer between objects in different threads typically requires manual, error-prone synchronization.

  • Objects typically have no way to “send out” information. Typically, the outputs of an object must be retrieved by a higher-level object.

  • Custom top-level glue code must often be written to extract data from one component and pass it into another.

  • In languages with strict typing, it is difficult to “connect” objects that were not designed specifically to work together.

  • Inter-language operation is usually possible, but tedious to implement.

Callback Functions

In some object-oriented architectures, objects do attempt to “send out” data by storing a pointer to an output object and calling a member-function of that object to send data to that object. This approach still has many issues:

  • Manual checks may have to be performed to see if a destination object has been “connected”.

  • Multiple destination objects are usually not a possibility.

  • Callback loops can cause issues with non-reentrant code.

Shared Memory

The use of shared memory is a simple, commonly-used, and very efficient method of passing data between software components. In this scheme, components read input data from and write data to predetermined shared memory locations. There are, however, several major drawbacks to this approach:

  • Passing data between components using shared memory is not thread-safe, so data transfer between components in different threads typically requires manual, error-prone synchronization.

  • Memory usage may be high.

  • If pointers are used to specify the location of input or output variables, manual checks may be required to make sure these pointers have been initialized.

  • Some shared memory communication schemes use global variable locations, which introduces a host of well-known issues.

Message Passing

In message-passing systems, information is transmitted by passing data structures from one software component to another through some sort of message delivery framework. The messaging framework typically employs some form of message queues to synchronize the data transmission. Depending on the design of the system, data may be passed by reference or by value. Message-passing systems have a number of benefits:

  • Many implementations support the transmission of messages between threads, or even processes, without any manual synchronization.

  • Multiple messaging system implementations can be supported with no changes to the software components. The messaging system implementation can be chosen at compile, link or run time.

  • The message sender does not need to know anything about the receiver. Zero, one, or more message receivers can be connected to a single sender.

  • The message sender and receiver only need to agree on the format of the data structure being passed, not the class hierarchy.

  • The amount of custom top-level glue code required to transfer data between components is minimal.

  • The message-passing concept maps naturally to many communication channels, such as network sockets, file I/O, serial and block device I/O, UNIX pipes, Qt signals and slots, event-driven systems, function calls, and message queues.

  • Many real-time operating systems offer native support for message queues.

  • Inter-language operation is straightforward to implement.

Although message-passing systems can be more complex and slower than some of the alternatives, the versatility offered by this approach makes it a great choice, given our design goals and application domains. For this reason, we haven chosen to use message passing as the standard means of inter-component communication in our software.

The standardized messaging interface integrated into our software tool chain is designed to be as general-purpose as possible. This allows each run-time environment implementation to choose a messaging system that is tailored to the specific application domain of interest. For example, the run-time environment may choose to transmit messages between components via POSIX message queues, UDP sockets, ZeroMQ sockets, or Qt signals and slots. Using a standardized messaging API isolates the components from the details of the underlying messaging system.

Another significant point about the design of our messaging interface is that, unlike some messaging APIs, neither the source nor the destination components are aware of the specific component with which they are communicating. The connection of message senders and receivers occurs outside of the component, when the component is instantiated and integrated into a higher-level component or application in the context of a run-time environment.

Standardized Component Interfaces

In order for two components to communicate via message passing, the message sender and receiver must agree on the content and structure of the messages passed between them. When designing sofware components, developers should give careful consideration to the format of the messages sent between components in order to make sure that components use compatible message types when sending and receiving similar kinds of data. Although not strictly required, the use of standardized message types reduces the amount of glue code required to connect components together. In the cases where two components with incompatible message types must be connected, hand-coded or auto-generated message converter components must be employed.

Careful thought should also be given to a component’s interface, or set of input/output message names and types. If two components share the same interface, then these components can be interchanged at compile time, or even run time, without changing the application structure. Although interface compatibility is highly desirable, it is not absolutely critical. Unlike many object-oriented schemes, interfaces are not required to match in order for components to be used together, but it does make things easier.

Initialization and Reset

Although a few software components may be truly stateless (e.g. data converters), most components need to store some information internally. The way in which this internal state gets initialized (or fails to get initialized) is significant. Many types of bugs can be traced to improperly initialized data members.

In many object-oriented systems, an object’s internal state is initialized in the object’s constructor. Although this is a robust way to ensure that the data gets initialized, there are at least two potential issues with this approach:

  1. The data required for initialization may not be available at construction time.

  2. There is no clean way to reset a component’s internal state.

Sometimes the first concern is addressed by deferring the initialization of some internal variables until the required data is available, but this process is error-prone. There is usually no good way to keep track of which variables are initialized in the constructor, and which are initialized later. Because of this, we require that components initialize all of their internal variables to known values in one place. Even if the data required for proper initialization of a member is not available, it must be set to some known value (null or otherwise) so that the component’s operation is at least deterministic.

The reset issue is a difficult one to solve, and it may be impossible to come up with a foolproof way to handle this. Nonetheless, the ability to reset a component to a known initial state is very desirable in many applications, so we desire to support it. In order to provide this functionality, our tools require that components initialize their internal state in a reset message handler instead of a constructor. This allows application executives to reset the component’s state as required.


Since all but the simplest of software components require some type of configuration, our tools provide built-in support for this operation. In our system, software components are merely responsible for declaring the names, types, and default values of their configurable properties. The actual assignment of these properties is handled by the run-time environment or application executive. This approach allows all of the software components in an application to be configured in a uniform way, and the configuration code can be leveraged across many applications.

Because message-passing was chosen as the standardized means of inter-component communication, it follows that components should be configured by sending them messages. Under the hood, a configuration property is simply a member variable whose value can be set via an input message. Typically, components also send an output message when the value of a property changes so that the value of one property can by tied to the value of another.

In our system, components delegate the configuration process to the outside world, so configuration may be handled in various ways, depending on the application. For embedded applications with no user interface or filesystem, configuration may be reduced to simply specifying property values at compile-time. This can be done by instantiating derived components that override default property values or by making connections that tie the value of one property to another. In other applications, software components may be configured through the use of command-line options, input files, or a GUI dialog box. Since component properties are all defined in a uniform way, the code that handles the configuration does not need to be hand-coded for each application.

So far, we have only considered the simple assignment of properties. In addition to the fundamental property attributes (i.e. name, type, default value), components can also declare additional property attributes to supply information that may be useful in certain run-time environments. The declaration of min/max value constraints could be used to automatically check that run-time property assignments are within the expected range. Unit constraints could be used to check that the user has supplied values with the proper units, or even perform automatic conversions. Statistical constraints, like random distribution parameters, could be used by a simulation engine to make Monte Carlo draws. The possibilities are endless.

Logging and Screen Output

Most software components require some mechanism for conveying run-time status information to the user. This includes things like informational and debug messages as well as the logging of events, errors, and warnings. Since the way these functions are handled varies widely from one application domain to another, the run-time environment provides a standardized programming interface for these functions.

In some domains, direct screen and log file output is available. In other systems, screen and log file output are available, but must be buffered due to real-time constraints. In some embedded domains, reporting may be very restricted (e.g. a few words of information in a telemetry stream), so output is reduced to capturing error codes or source file and line numbers. The programming interface provided by the run-time environment must take all of these cases into consideration.

The amount of information reported by an application may also change due to compile-time options or run-time selection. For example, users may choose to enable verbose or debug screen output, or record errors and warnings in a log file. To provide the most flexibility, logging output levels are selectable at the component level. This enables debug output to be enabled for one component without enabling debug output for all components, which would be overwhelming and counter-productive.


Many components require some information about the passage of time in order to operate. This might be determining the absolute time that an event occurred, measuring the elapsed time between events, or scheduling some processing to occur at a specific time or periodic frequency. In order to support this functionality, the run-time environment provides software components with a standardized timekeeping API that is consistent across all application domains and operates in the following timekeeping contexts:


In systems that must meeting timing deadlines, the run-time environment may deliver very precise time measurement and scheduling functionality.


In systems where timing requirements are not as demanding, the run-time environment may supply a less precise implementation.


In some simulations, a software component’s notion of time may not be tied to the passage of time in the real world at all, but is instead advanced by an external simulation executive.

In some systems, there may not be a single authoritative time standard that is suitable for all purposes. For instance, some events may be measured in terms of system time, and others with respect to an external timing source. To support these use cases, the timekeeping API also provides support for the measurement of time according to multiple time references that may drift relative to one another, and for converting time values from one time base to another.


In general terms, scheduling is a mechanism for software components to request that a particular section of code be executed by a processor on the host system. From a software component’s point of view, scheduling can be either explicit or implicit. The run-time environments support several types of explicit scheduling:

One-Shot Event

A component requests that a code segment be executed at a particular point in time according to a specific time reference. The time of execution may be specified as an absolute time or as a relative time (i.e. a delay).

Periodic Event

This is similar to a one-shot event, except that after execution of the code segment is complete, the event is automatically re-scheduled to execute again after a fixed amount of time. The time between events may be specified in terms of a period or frequency.

Deferred Execution

Sometimes it is useful for a component to request that a code segment be executed at some unspecified time in the future. This is a way for components to voluntarily yield the processor to other components (cooperative multitasking).

In message-passing systems, implicit scheduling occurs when a component sends out a message. The sending of a message causes the run-time environment to implicitly schedule one-time events for the message handling code in each of the receiving components.

In multitasking systems, scheduling also involves arbitration. If more than one event is scheduled to run at the same time, then some mechanism must be used to determine which one gets to execute. This is usually handled by setting scheduling policies and priorities for components or for specific events. Since arbitration involves multiple components, this aspect of scheduling must be specified when components are instantiated and combined into a higher-level component or application in the context of a run-time environment, and not within individual low-level components.

Blocking vs. Non-Blocking Operations

In computer programming, a task is considered to be blocked if it is waiting for some condition to occur before continuing execution. The condition may be a resource becoming available, or the completion of a data transfer. A blocking operation is function call that may block the calling task if some condition is not met (e.g. no input data is available from a device). Conversely, a non-blocking operation is one that will not block the caller, even if the operation cannot be completed. Non-blocking calls typically return an error code to indicate the condition that could not be satisfied.

Blocking operations are often desirable if a program is performing a single sequential task, such as reading data from an input file, processing it, and then saving the results to an output file. When multiple tasks must operate concurrently in the same thread of execution, however, blocking operations become a liability. For example, the use of blocking network socket operations in a single-threaded web browser could cause the whole application to become non-responsive to user input if a web site was slow to respond. This type of problem is typically solved by running the blocking task in a separate thread, or by switching to non-blocking calls.

Since we desire to build software components that can be used in a wide variety of contexts (e.g. single-threaded GUIs, multi-threaded real-time systems), the use of blocking operations inside components is highly discouraged. In order to make up for this limitation, the run-time environment provides a mechanism that allows components to schedule code to be executed when a resource becomes available.

File I/O

Many software components need to perform file input or output operations. In the vast majority of cases, file I/O is performed using system calls that may potentially block the calling task. For most applications, the delays associated with the reading and writing to the file system are inconsequential, but this can be a significant issue for some real-time systems. This issue could be resolved by restricting components to using only non-blocking file I/O functions, but the plain fact of the matter is that, in most cases, this approach is just really inconvenient.

In order to address these real-time concerns, we require software components to use an API provided by the operating system abstraction layer when performing file I/O instead of directly accessing files through the standard API provided by the operating system. This approach allows the real-time operating system abstraction layer implementations to buffer file I/O in appropriate manner (e.g. pass output data to a separate non-real-time thread that accesses the file system) or call the standard operating system file I/O functions if this is not a problem in the specific application domain.

Data Recording and Playback

In many applications, there is a need to record output data from software components to a file for later analysis or debugging purposes. It is also helpful to be able to “play back” previously recorded (or “canned”) data into components for further processing. In order to provide these generally-useful capabilities, our tool set delivers a standard set of components for message stream recording and playback in raw and structured data file formats.

Top-Level Application Code

There is typically quite a bit of “top-level” code in an application that is not reusable (except, perhaps, in a copy-and-paste fashion). In our view, this is a shame because we would rather see developers devote their time and put their energy into writing and debugging code that will be used over and over again. In order to address this issue, we must first consider what this top-level code is doing.

In a typical application, the main program (or other top-level code) performs a series of tasks that looks something like this:

  • Process input data from the operating environment (e.g. command-line options)

  • Allocate resources and instantiate top-level components

  • Reset components to a known state

  • Read in configuration data

  • Configure components as specified

  • Initialize components

  • Perform processing operations, which usually amounts to one of these steps:

    • Perform a single sequence of processing operations

    • Repeat a sequence of processing operations over and over again

    • Dispatch conditional processing operations using a state machine

  • Wait for program termination

  • Clean up resources

Since this process is very similar from application to application, our approach is to factor the top-level code into two pieces:

  • An application-specific top-level software component with a standardized interface

  • A reusable application executive that sequences the top-level component through a set of standardized phases corresponding to the steps mentioned above

Different application domains may still require slightly different application executives, but this is much better than writing unique code for every application.

Of course, there are often cases where software components need to be integrated into a 3rd-party application or framework. To support these use cases, our tools can generate object-oriented wrappers for any component. If necessary, these wrappers can be tailored for specific contexts via specialized back-end code generators.

Finally, there is often a desire to interact with software components from a high-level scripting environment, so our tool set provides this functionality as well. This capability has many uses, including procedural scripting, incorporating graphical user interfaces, and dynamically defining an application structure at run-time.

Automatic Code Generation

Many developers have strong views on automatic code generation, either positive or negative. Our position on this subject is practical. Although automatic code generation has been abused in many instances, it makes sense to consider using it for the following purposes:

  • To generate boilerplate or glue code that is tedious or error-prone to write by hand.

  • To implement domain-specific languages that allow the program to be written in a more concise and effective manner.

  • To allow aspects of the program to be described in a graphical manner.

  • To reduce the duplication of information (i.e. Don't repeat yourself).

This last point may require a little more explanation. There are many situations where automatic code generation could be used to help avoid the duplication of information:

  • The same information must be included in code and documentation.

  • The same information must be used in multiple programming languages.

  • The programming language itself requires the duplication of information.

  • The programming language source format does not allow additional documentation or metadata to be easily incorporated.

Our code crafting tools employ automatic code generation to address many of these concerns because we believe the benefits outweigh the drawbacks introduced by the additional complexity. Automatic code generation is utilized in the following areas:

  • Data type classes (e.g. message types)

  • Component interface base classes

  • Structural component implementations

  • Main programs

Much care, however, is taken to make a strong separation between auto-generated and hand-generated code. If you still have reservations about the utility of automatic code generation at this point, please realize that all code is automatically-generated in some sense. That is the primary job of compilers and interpreters. Our code crafting tools simply take this a step further by using automatic code generation to build higher-level domain-specific languages that are better suited to our needs, not to take control away from the programmer. We strive to provide ways to allow the programmer to customize generated code and do things manually when it is beneficial to do so.

File Formats

The format of data files is another topic that deserves thoughtful consideration. In order to consolidate information and avoid repeating ourselves, the file formats used by our tools to store component interface, hierarchic structure, message description, and configuration information allow arbitrary metadata to be incorporated as the need arises. This means that all the information required to generate documentation, graphical representations, various types of code, and other artifacts can be found in a single location. This is much more powerful than alternative approaches that attempt to incorporate all of the additional information into specialized source-code comments.

Our file formats also provide a mechanism for the parameterization of entities such as message types, component interfaces, and component implementations. This is a powerful feature that can be leveraged to make a code base much more manageable.

All of our custom text-based file formats are designed to be very similar to one another in order to share as much code as possible between the various processing tools. This also eases the mental burden on the programmer. The use of human-readable plain-text formats allows these files to be managed effectively using standard source code management tools and makes life easier for software developers. The file formats are well-defined and designed to be easy to process using 3rd-party tools.

Please note that in this section we have been discussing the file formats used to store things like component descriptions, message definitions, and configuration data. The storage and formatting of high-volume run-time input/output data is another matter entirely, and many other factors apply.

Graphical Design Tools

The Code Craftsmen believe that some aspects of a program are best described graphically and some aspects are more naturally expressed in textual form. In light of this, we desire to support both visual and text-based workflows.

Our primary focus in the area of graphical design tools is to provide a block diagram editor that allows hierarchic components and top-level applications to be designed by drawing block diagrams describing the input/output message connections between software components. This workflow not only simplifies the design process, but also provides valuable documentation that helps developers visualize the flow of information in the program. In addition to a block diagram editor, we also aim to provide other supporting tools that allow developers to design component interfaces and message types using a graphical interface.

Although graphical tools can be very helpful, we also believe that the use of these tools should not be an essential part of a software development workflow. At the lowest level, all aspects of a software application should be described using human-readable, text-based file formats that can be hand-coded, manipulated by 3rd-party tools, or manually inspected, if necessary. The graphical tools simply provide an alternative means of constructing or manipulating the underlying text files.

Software Stack for Application Development

In order to make our code crafting tools as useful as possible, they have been designed to work in conjunction with other open-source software to form a software stack. Each layer of software builds on lower-level resources to provide additional functionality. The following diagram offers a bird’s-eye view of our software stack for application development.
